Dr Ndubani is a Social Scientist with a combination of Social Work (BSw) and Public Health (MPH) academic and professional backgrounds. He has over 20 years of experience in teaching, research and program evaluations. He spent most of his working life at the University of Zambia (UNZA) where he served as a Senior Research Fellow until 2008 when he was appointed to head the university’s Institute of Economics and Social Research (INESOR) as Director. He has vast experience in managing and coordinating community-based public health research projects. He has knowledge and skills in both quantitative and qualitative research methods- developing research designs and data collection instruments; data collection procedures; data analysis using both manual and computer-based analyses; hands on training of research teams. Dr Ndubani has also lectured in several UNZA academic departments (Gender Studies, Social Development Studies, Population Studies and Nursing Sciences) and until recently, he has been supervising Masters and PhD students. He is the current Managing Director for Macha Research Trust (MRT) in Choma, Zambia. In addition, he also serves as the local Principal Investigator for some of the collaborative research projects with the universities of Johns Hopkins and Houston.
- Doctor of Philosophy [PhD]-Karolinska Institutet, Department of Public Health Sciences, Division of International Health (IHCAR), Sweden (2002).
Licentiate in Medical Sciences [M. Phil]-Karolinska Institutet, Department of Public Health Sciences, Division of International Health (IHCAR), Sweden (1998).
Master of Public Health [MPH]-University of Zambia, School of Medicine, Lusaka, Zambia (1997).
- Diploma in Development Studies [DipDevSt]-University of Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, UK (1994).
Bachelor of Social Work [B.Sw]-University of Zambia, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lusaka, Zambia (1989).
Research Interests
Health Systems Research,
Health Seeking Behaviours (examining obstacles to health services accessibility and utilization by communities especially the vulnerable groups)
Gender Research and Analysis including gender-based violence (GBV), male sexuality and male involvement in health.
Impoverishment and Chronic Poverty focusing mainly on Women and Youth Livelihoods .
Selected Publications
- Sikateyo TCC, Moonga A, Ndubani P. Determinants of Quality of Tuberculosis Services in Lusaka, Zambia, Texila International Journal of Public Health, Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2022 1-10.
- Sikateyo TCC, Moonga A, Ndubani P. Quality of Tuberculosis Services in Lusaka, Zambia, Texila International Journal of Public Health, Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2022 43-54.
- Mubemba, B.,
Mburu, MM., Changula, K., Muleya,W., Moonga, LC., Chambaro, HM., Kajihara, M., Qiu, Y., Orba, Y., Hayashida, K., Sutcliffe, CG., Norris, DE., Thuma, PE.,
Ndubani, P., Chitanga,S., Sawa,H., Takada, A., Simulundu, E. Current knowledge of vector-borne zoonotic pathogens in Zambia: A clarion call to scaling-up “One Health” research in the wake of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases’ PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2022/2/4, e0010193
- Ruth Goma, Josphat Bwembya, Brian Mwansa,
Phillimon Ndubani, Francis Kasongo, William Siame, Lutinala Mulenga, Ramya Kumar, Seraphine Kaminsa, Vimbai Makwambeni, Victoria Musonda, Ibou Thior and Alwyn Mwinga.
Losses in the Sputum Specimen Referral Cascade in Mpulungu District, Zambia: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 19 (3), 1621, 2022,
- drea C. Carcelen,Christine Prosperi,Simon Mutembo,
Gershom Chongwe,
Francis D. Mwansa,
Phillimon Ndubani,
Edgar Simulundu,
Innocent Chilumba,
Gloria Musukwa,
Phil Thuma,
Kelvin Kapungu,
Mutinta Hamahuwa,
Irene Mutale,
Amy Winter,
William J. Moss &Shaun A. Truelove.
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Zambia: a glimpse at the possible challenges ahead for COVID-19 vaccination rollout in sub-Saharan Africa. Human Vaccine & Immunotherapeutic, Published online: 06 Jul 2021, 1-6.
- Rohan Arambepola, Yangyupei Yang, Kyle Hutchinson, Francis D Mwansa, Julie Ann Doherty, Frazer Bwalya,
Phillimon Ndubani, Gloria Musukwa, William J Moss, Amy Wesolowski, Simon Mutembo.
Using geospatial models to map zero-dose children: factors associated with zero-dose vaccination status before and after a mass measles and rubella vaccination campaign, BMJ global health Volume 6, Issue 12, 2021/12/1, pp e007479.
- Phillimon Ndubani, Thankian Kusanthan. Differences in Condom Use among Never Married Young Men and Women in Zambia, Archives of Current Research International, 14(2): 1-11, 2018.
- Thankian Kusanthan,
Phillimon Ndubani. Gender Differentials in Sexual Initiation among Adolescents in Zambia, African Research Review Vol. 12 (2), Serial No 50, April, 2018: 55-68
- Berthollet Bwira Kaboru, Torkel Falkenberg, Phillimon Ndubani,
Bengt Höjer, Rodwell Vongo, Ruairi Brugha and Elisabeth Faxelid. Can biomedical and traditional health care providers work together? Zambian practitioners' experiences and attitudes towards collaboration in relation to STIs and HIV/AIDS care: a cross-sectional study. Human Resources for Health 2006; 4:16.
Ndubani P.
Death, Witchcraft and AIDS: A review of the current situation and perceptions among the Goba people of Chiawa Chieftaincy, rural Zambia. African Social Research. 2005; Number 51:21-40.